Global Warming

We are Human-Beings nowadays synonymous to problems whether it is World War or it may be natural calamities. But the Question arise is that to whom we should consider the biggest problem, Earlier in world wars the war was between Human vs. Human But the burning topic which is running throughout billions of mind is GLOBAL WARMING!
So what exactly global warming is about and why we must take it more seriously let us discuss it briefly:

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on earth. As a result of this earth is getting hotter.
This really affects the Glaciers at the poles and due to whom the water level is increasing day-by-day.
One of the major causes of Global Warming is green house effect.
Green House gases keep our planet warm. They exist neutrally in the atmosphere, heating it by raping energy that originally comes from the sun. This process is called green house effect without the green house gases the surface of the earth would be as cold as the surface of the moon. All over the world have shown that global climate is changing. In the last 100 years the atmosphere has warmed up by about half a degree Celsius.
          Also during this time humans have been emitting extra greenhouse gases. These gases include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
          It is thought that the man-made emissions of greenhouse gases from the increased use of fossil fuels are responsible for some of the warming of the global climate during the 20th century. The extra green house gases in the atmosphere trap more energy and therefore enhance the green house effect. This may cause more warming. Greenhouse gases are also released by the exhausts of motor vehicles. The cutting down of rain forests also releases carbon dioxide, which is greenhouse gas and causes global warming There are also natural ways in which the climate can altered. Volcanoes release gases, which mix with water vapor in the air to make aerosols, and cool the atmosphere. Changes in the sun’s energy and the circulation of the ocean also affect climate. If the earth continues to warm as climate models have predicted, the temperature at the Earth’s surface may be 3*c warmer in the future than it is today. This rapid change in temperature would be harmful to many ecosystems, and species of plants and animals. As impacts of this climate change will affect rainfall, sea level and storm events, and humans would also be affected by these factors, as well as forests and water supplies. People’s health will also be affected.

What cause the Global Warming?

          Since the industrial Revolution 200 years age, the amount of greenhouse gases in the air has been increasing. This is thought to be due to human activities. This is damage the Ozone layer. The main human contribution to enhancing the greenhouse effect and global warming has been made by carbon dioxide, but more recently the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have also had a large impact. CFC production has now been limited to protect the ozone layer, and so it is thought that their effect on global warming will become less in the future. Which invented in the 1930 for use in fridges, but have other uses, including aerosols. Atmospheric aerosols are made up of particles suspended in air which are around one millionth of meters across. Even though these particles are so small, they have ability to stop some of the Sun’s energy from reaching the Earth’s surface. Atmospheric particles may emit from primary as particles, or they may be formed in the atmosphere from gases (secondary sources). They Natural sources of aerosols are usually greater than man-made ones, apart from in certain areas of the world such as in industrial regions. Primary sources of aerosols include the burning of plants especially through forest fires. Fires may be natural or man-made. Other natural sources include wind-blow dust from rocks, soils and volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes also produce sulphur dioxide when they erupt. When this mixes with water vapor in the air, sulphuric acid aerosols are produces. Question rise that what do atmospheric aerosols do? Answer “That atmospheric aerosols influence the global climate in two ways, both resulting in cooling. Firstly they can scatter the sunlight, so less of it reaches the Earth’s surface. This effect is particularly important and long-lasting when the aerosols are high up in the atmosphere as result of volcanic eruption. Secondly, aerosol particles help to form clouds, which reflect sunlight, back out to space, so making the atmosphere cooler.

The Effects of global warming:

          Climate change has been taking place throughout the history of the earth. It is only recently that mankind has begun to exert its own influence. Natural factors that have caused these changes have been due to changes in the sun, volcanic eruptions and ocean circulation. As the Earth warms up a number of changes in the weather will occur, including hotter summers. This may seem like a good idea, but a rise of a few degrees Celsius in temperature could change the conditions on Earth, which are currently just right for existing plants and animals. When the earth warms, the oceans will warm and expand causing an increase in the level of the sea. This process is thought to be responsible for about a quarter of the sea level rise recorded during the 20th century. The melting of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica could be another major cause, although it is not know what contribution this makes. Current predictions suggest that the sea level may rise by half a meter in the next 100 year. Higher sea levels will threaten the low-lying coastal areas of the world. Many important fisheries would become threatened and coastal ecosystems damaged.
          Climate plays a large part in determining plant growth and the production of crops. Crop growth is often limited by temperature and rainfall. The changes in the weather will affect the type of crops grown. Some crops such as wheat and rice grow better in higher temperatures, but other plants such as maize and sugarcane do not, changes in the amount of rainfall will also affect how many plants grow. The effect of a change in weather on plant growth may lead to food and water shortages in some countries of the world. Low-lying agricultural land is at risk from rising sea levels. If salt water entered the land it would need treating. This would increase costs for farmers and mean higher food prices for the public. Plants grow as result of photosynthesis. This involves plants taking carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen. Climate change is associated with an increase in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and hence plant growth rates could increase. It is not certain what the effects of climate change on agriculture will be, but it is though that crop production will be reduced in some parts of the world, whilst it will increase in others. As the climate changes, the composition and distribution of ecosystems will alter and individual species will respond to the changes. Some species in ecosystems may become extinct. The ecosystems most at risk from global warming will include those that are presently subject to harsh climates.
These include:
  • Tropical forest
  • Coral reefs
  • Deserts
  • Polar (ice) regions
  • Coastal Marshes
  • Mountains
  • Low lying land

The Occurrence of extreme events, such as flooding and drought in these environments, may become more likely. Forests cover around a quarter to a third of the total land surface of the Earth. They are essential for the maintenance of a stable global climate. Forests are known to strongly moderate local climates and use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, helping to remove some of the carbon dioxide released by mankind. As forests are cut down, this potential is removed. Furthermore, forest clearance through burning releases a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The Effects of Global Warming on Health:

          The health of human populations depends on the continued use of the Earth’s natural systems. Climate change is likely to have a negative effect on health, with significant loss of life through a variety of illnesses. Warm temperature can increase local air pollution, which in turn can lead to an increase in breathing problems and respiratory diseases. Extreme events may lead to large number of deaths at a set time. For example, a landslide or flood could wipe out a large number of people. Events like this are set to increase as global warming takes place. Many infectious diseases only appear in warm areas. Warmer trends would enable insects and other disease carriers to expand their range. Mosquitoes and other insects will spread further across the globe. “Although global warming may have a number of negative effects on health, warmer temperatures may decrease the number of deaths from cold weather.” (Positive Effects)
          The Earth’s climate changes naturally and often produces climatic extremes and disaster. On a time scale of days, month and years, changes in weather and climate can produce:
  • Heat wave
  • River and ocean flooding
  • Drought
  • Landslides
  • Storms and hurricanes
  • Tornadoes

As global warming raises the temperature of the Earth surface these events may become more frequent. This may have a negative effect on society as the events damage homes and villages and can lead to loss of life. As the global temperature increases, we would expect the amount of moisture in the atmosphere to increase, due to an increase in evaporation of water from the sea’s surface. In other parts of the world a decrease in rainfall may be experienced, causing an increase in very dry periods. In order to tackle future increases in extreme events we must learn to predict and cope with them. It is certain that poorest and most vulnerable societies in the developing world will be the least able to cope.

What we can do to prevent Global Warming?

     Energy is produced to generate electricity and to keep us warm. Most energy is produces by the burning of fossil fuels, like coal, Oil and gas, which release carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Fuel burnt in our cars also releases carbon dioxide. As an individual, we have little control on how our energy is produced. However, we can control the way in which us use that energy. Using less energy means less need to be produced. Hence less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. There are a number of ways that we can help to save energy in ours home:
·         Turn off light and appliances when they are not needed;
·         Insulate the walls and loft;
·         Have a shower instead of a bath;
·         Fit double glazing;
·         Turn your heating down.

At present we produce billion tones of household rubbish a year. 90% of this waste is dumped into landfill sites. Landfill waste produces greenhouse gas, which is methane. If we can recycle more of this waste, the need to mine raw materials will decrease and less waste will need to be buried as landfill. Road transport is the fastest growing sector in the world. A quarter of carbon dioxide emission comes from road transport. By using public transport, and by cycling and walking more, we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released by our personal transport. We can reduce emission of greenhouse gases using renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy created by sources that are not used up or depleted. Most forms of renewable energy do not produce carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. Using more energy likes Hydroelectric Power, Solar Power, Wind Power, Biomass, and Geothermal Energy so we would reduce carbon dioxide emission and minimize global warming. An increase in the use of renewable energy supplies, instead of fossil fuels, will also reduce greenhouse emission.
          Today the challenge of humans is to ensure that future development and the use of the Earth’s resources are managed sustainably, thereby safeguarding the quality of life for generations to follow.


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