
Showing posts from September, 2010

Global Warming

We are Human-Beings nowadays synonymous to problems whether it is World War or it may be natural calamities. But the Question arise is that to whom we should consider the biggest problem, Earlier in world wars the war was between Human vs. Human But the burning topic which is running throughout billions of mind is GLOBAL WARMING! So what exactly global warming is about and why we must take it more seriously let us discuss it briefly: What is Global Warming? Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on earth. As a result of this earth is getting hotter. This really affects the Glaciers at the poles and due to whom the water level is increasing day-by-day. One of the major causes of Global Warming is green house effect. Green House gases keep our planet warm. They exist neutrally in the atmosphere, heating it by raping energy that originally comes from the sun. This process is called green house effect without the green house gases the surface