
Showing posts from February, 2013
What is GSM? Definition:  GSM, which stands for  G lobal  S ystem for  M obile communications, reigns as the world’s most widely used cell phone technology. Cell phones use a cell phone service carrier’s GSM network by searching for cell phone towers in the nearby area.  The origins of GSM can be traced back to 1982 when the Groupe Spécial Mobile (GSM) was created by the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) for the purpose of designing a pan-European mobile technology.      What is CDMA? Definition:  CDMA, or  C ode  D ivision  M ultiple  A ccess, is a competing cell phone service technology to GSM, which is the world’s most widely used cell phone standard.  CDMA uses a “spread-spectrum” technique whereby electromagnetic energy is spread to allow for a signal with a wider bandwidth. This allows multiple people on multiple cell phones to be “multiplexed” over the same channel to share a bandwidth of frequencies.  Wit
Overclocking Overclocking is a term used when the CPU is run at a higher clock rate than prescribed by the manufacturer of the unit. Although it may sound dangerous, the process of overclocking is actually done to speed up the computer’s operation in order to avoid pauses or lags during use. It involves the manipulation of different computer components including BIOS updates and OS drivers. Advantages of Overclocking Usually, overclocking is a method done by computer enthusiasts who want to bring their computer’s capacity up a notch without paying for the privilege. For example, one can buy a P1600+ model, overclock it properly and get a speed equal to that of a 1900+. In some cases, overclocking is done to keep the system updated with the requirements without having to spend extra on new hardware. To put it simply, overclocking lets computer users save on money while still getting quality performance in their PC’s. Disadvantages of Overclocking Pushing a computer beyond it
Many ways to Revive Hard Disk Hard Drive Recovery Tip 1: One trick I have learned as a technician, when the problem is data-read errors off the platters themselves, is to freeze the hard drive overnight. It makes the data more ‘readable,’ but for a one-shot deal. If this data is critical, and you have a replacement hard drive (which, if it’s a drive failure, you probably do), then you can hook up your frozen hard drive and immediately fetch the data off before it warms up. Hard Drive Recovery Tip 2: If the problem is heat related, I put the drive in the freezer for about 15 minutes to cool it down… sometimes this gets the drive up long enough to copy any critical files… Hard Drive Recovery Tip 3:   Put the drive in a waterproof sealed bag, put it in the fridge for an hour or so, then have another go. Hard Drive Recovery Tip 4: Well, I won’t start playing with your specific situation, too many steps or possible solutions where everything starts "If that last t